LiFT 26th January

Good evening all,
A late one today, after a crazy week of long days doing the sort of stuff that I thrive on, so I’m feeling energised and encouraged, despite being tired!
Although it has been a busy week, I’m not sure I have much to update you on! Everything is settling back down and we are in that little lull before Lent starts. I’m not quite in the mood to begin asking you about Lenten disciplines, or plans for a season on penitence and reflection. Perhaps it’s because it’s still cold and wintery, or, and please don’t judge, it might be because the Christmas tree is still up in the hall!! I need to task someone to take it down perhaps? Hahaha
I’m really looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, it’s going to be a lovely service, and I’m really excited that Sarah Rosser will be deaconing for the service. I valued and enjoyed being a deacon myself and setting the altar for the priest is a very special thing to do. (Usk 10.30am)
Finally can I invite you to pray with me over the coming days – knowing that many of us are praying the following together is a comfort and a strength, and a wonderful reminder to us all that we are never alone, in faith, in prayer, or in any other aspect of our lives. This prayer seems to fit each and every one of you in some capacity.
God of all,
Even though we don’t understand everything happening in our lives,
the one thing we know confidently is your love for us.
Look upon us, and all those we know and love.
Help us feel the peace that only you provide.
Help us remember that you are a light in the darkness.
Bring us strength, give us hope,
and help us to see your light and feel your warmth.
You know where I am, and please don’t hesitate to be on touch,
with love to you all,
Sally xxxx