LiFT 19th January

Good afternoon friends,
What a week! Driving around the lanes I have alternated between being blinded by beautiful winter sunshine, and fearfully inching down hills covered in light snow and layers of ice. I’ve had toes that have felt frozen, and had conversations and opportunities that have warmed my heart and my spirits. Plenty of extremes! Add to that hospital visiting, some training, several meetings, pastoral visiting, and being in school, and you can see it’s been a very busy but good week.
One of the things I began to plan this week is a service for St. David’s Day. This will be on, of course, Wednesday 1st March, at 2pm, and will be in St. Mary’s in Usk. The service will be bilingual, with readings, prayers and singing in both Welsh and English, to celebrate all that is Welsh, and to remember St. David. Everyone is welcome and there is no requirement to speak Welsh, all the materials will be given in both languages. That said, if you are a Welsh speaker and would like to read or offer prayers then please do not hesitate to be in touch and I shall include you in the planning. Spread the word – it’s not often we worship using the Welsh language and this promises to be a very special service. Mae croeso mawr i bawb.
The other service to alert you to is the fifth Sunday service on 29th January. This will also be at St. Mary’s, Usk and is at 10.30am. I will be presiding, and Archdeacon Stella Bailey from the Valleys Archdeaconry will be preaching. I do hope many of you will come along to hear her and to be part of a full church with rousing singing.
Finally, can I thank you for all that you are doing. The transition to a bigger Ministry Area is still happening in terms of new structures and processes, and I am aware that some of this is going smoothly and some is requiring patience and hard work. Our relationships are strong and good and I know that God is at the heart of all that we are doing. So keep going, the days are gently getting longer, and there is progress and light ahead.
With love to you all, and a reminder that you know where to find me,
Sally xxxx