LiFT 30th June

Good evening lovely people,
Another busy week is flying by, rather more meetings and desk work than I would choose but all good stuff, and still plenty of opportunity to be out and about.
What a wonderful weekend we had last week – ordinations and then the amazing service in Raglan. Those of you who were there don’t need me to tell you how uplifting and encouraging it all was. We have another special weekend to look forward to this Sunday, with the licensing of our new team vicar – Rev’d Sue Davies-Fletcher. The service is in St. Peter’s Church, Goytre and begins at 10.30am, followed by a lunch in the village hall, Thank you to those who have offered to supply cake, you did us proud last weekend! The bishop will be presiding at this service and it promises to be a real celebration. I hope to see you there.
I’ve been thinking a lot over the last few weeks about the importance of recognising what we are good at, celebrating it, and being joyful about what we have rather than worrying about what we don’t have. It’s a work in progress for me to keep in that mindset – it’s so much easier to find the things to moan about isn’t it? However, I do think we have a lot to be thankful for and much, as churches, to celebrate. There’s a little turn of phrase I find helpful, to do with adopting “an attitude of gratitude”. I am making a concerted effort to ensure that when I pray I am giving thanks for things as well as asking for stuff. God is happy for us to ask him for things, but equally, I am sure he likes it when we thank him too! Who doesn’t like to be thanked?!
So please, pray with me, and let’s all give thanks for the little things as well as the big ones. But also, please dont hesitate to ask me to pray with you and for you. You know I am always happy to do so.
With love,
Sally xxxx
–Please note I will not usually reply to emails received on Fridays as this is my rest day. If you need me urgently please send me a voicemail on my mobile number. Thank you for your understanding.