LiFT 22nd June

Good evening friends,

I hope you are all keeping well?

This weekend sees the ordinations of our lovely people – Sarah Rosser and Bill Savage (amongst others you may know). Sarah will be ordained priest and will celebrate her first mass (Eucharist) on Sunday at 10.30am in Raglan Church. Bill will be ordained deacon in the same service on Saturday and will then deacon for Sarah on Sunday in Raglan. This is such a special time for them both and at the moment they are on their preordination retreat. Ordination is perhaps a strange concept for those who are not called to it, but it is a setting apart of the person, so that God may use them differently within the church. It’s not a higher place, just a different place, and with it come different expectations and different responsibilities. 

One of the most important thing we can do for those who are ordained is pray for them. You know I pray for you all, every day, but knowing that people are praying for me is especially uplifting and encouraging. So please do pray for Sarah and Bill as they enter the next chapter of their relationship with God. I am sure he will bless them and they in turn will bless us.

In other news, there was a wonderful celebration at St. Mark’s Goldtops last night, acknowledging and encouraging all those who are using their gifts and skills as lay people in our churches. For you are the very backbone, without who there wouldn’t be a church. Bishop Cherry spoke wisely and with deep gratitude for every single parishioner amongst us, and she is right to do so. We are all called by God. Everything that we do for the church we do for God, and without each and every one of us there would be no church. So whilst we celebrate the ordinations, let us also celebrate everyone who is part of our congregations for all that they do and how they are. Thank you!

I shall look forward to seeing many of you over the weekend and hope you enjoy it all as much as I know I am going to.

If you need me, you know where I am.

Much love,

Sally xxx– 
–Please note I will not usually reply to emails received on Fridays as this is my rest day. If you need me urgently please send me a voicemail on my mobile number. Thank you for your understanding.

LogoRev’d Sally Ingle-Gillis
Vicar, Heart of Monmouthshire Ministry Area
Monmouth Diocese
mobile-icon  07813 264429