LiFT 22nd February

Good evening all,

My last task before I switch off for a much needed 24 hour break. I think I’m on top of everything, and I’m really enjoying the walking that I’ve been doing – it’s a wonderful way to have conversations and get to know people, and I’ve been overwhelmed both by the numbers of people who have walked with me, and the amazing reception we have received at every single church we have arrived at. I really should have taken photos of the cake, soup, and smiles. There is even a colourful banner, made by Sue Russell – you have all surpassed any expectations I might have had. I’ve now completed six walks and have managed over 51,000 steps so far. I should have held a competition to guess the step count! Maybe next time hahaha!

As you know, Rev’d Sue remains off following are car collision, and I want to thank everyone who has been so patient and tolerant of how this has affected some of our services and activities. I’m very quickly learning that our Ministry Area is full of very generous and wonderful people who are willing to muck in, cope, go the extra mile, and generally be everything that a healthy Christian community can be. Thank you so so much.

I know you will keep Rev’d Sue and her family in your prayers, and I ask that you also keep all our churches and congregations in them too – as we navigate our reduced team and stretched resources. If you have any clever ideas that might be helpful, please don’t hesitate to be in touch ðŸ™‚

Lastly, can I let you know about something that is happening on Sunday to do with my walk and our services – 

in the afternoon I am walking from Kemeys Commander to Llanover, leaving at 1pm. It happens that there is a service in Llanover at 4pm, which I am now taking (to cover for Rev’d Sue). If you are walking you may like to consider staying for the service too, it would be a rather nice end to Sunday. If you’re not walking but want to join us, please do! 

Right, my Chinese Takeaway has arrived. Have a lovely evening and you know where I am if I can help with anything,

Lots of love,

Sally xxx

Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.
