Good evening lovely people,
How is your week going?
One of my highlights was the Welcome/Croeso Course which we began on Wednesday evening with 30 people risking the fog and cold to share thoughts and make plans for how we can do small thing (and large things!) to improve the welcome that we give to everyone, new and established, in our churches. Thank you so much to those of you who came, and if you missed it, you could of course join in with the next session on Wednesday, 6.30pm Usk Church . I shall bring more cake!
I realised earlier in the week that I’ve been the Ministry Area Leader for a year now, and what a year it has been. Thank you so much to all those who have prayed, joined in, taken a few leaps of faith with me, and generally been willing to give it a go. We have had a wonderful emphasis on people and being joyful, and I am hoping to find some time in the next few weeks to see what sort of difference that might be making across our churches. This year feels like it is starting more quietly, but I am absolutely sure that God is at work amongst us and that we have a lot to look forward to and be excited by. Please do keep praying and if you have an ideas, big/small/weird/sensible, please let me know, I might just be having those same thoughts!
Finally, can I do a shameless plug for Will’s book launch and evening exploration of praying the Anglican rosary please? He wrote the book whilst on sabbatical last year and it has been for sale for a few months. He will be officially launching it next Thursday by leading us through a time of prayer, and then will be available to answer questions and have a conversation about the style of prayer and how to use the book. He will of course have copies to buy too. The Welcome Course caught me out, and I didn’t provide enough cake. I would hate to do the same with wine at this book event. So please can you let us know you are coming, either by using the QR code below, or by replying to this email.
And now, it’s time for me to stop, pick up my crochet, and forget about the outside world for a little while. You know where I am if I can help in any way, and don’t ever hold back from asking to be on my prayer list. It is a privilege to pray.
With my love,
Sally xxx