How is your week unfolding? Mine has been a mix between the simple and the extraordinarily complicated! All good stuff, but I feel like I’ve lurched from things I can do with my eyes shut, to others that have required me to learn fast and think hard. Ministry is so wonderfully diverse and thoroughly rewarding. If it’s not too corny, I give thanks in my prayers every day that I’m in the right place – where I think I’m meant to be. God has been very good to me.
A couple of things I need to share with you this week –
I’ve been alerted to a request from a Ukrainian family for sponsorship to come to the Wales for their safety. The family consist of a mum and her two small children. If you know of anyone who might be interested or willing, please can you let me know. It’s sometimes too easy to forget that families are still living in immense danger in Ukraine, but I am aware that there are many Ukrainian people living locally and who have made reasonably happy lives for themselves here. I am also under no illusion that they would prefer to be back in their own homes in a safe and peaceful country. My prayers continue for all those trapped or displaced by all the war situations in our world. How terrible that is.
My other notice for you is at the other end of the spectrum – I would like to remind you of the special service we are havin on Sunday 24th November. It is at 11am and will be the only service in the Ministry Area that day.
This service is to celebrate the Leading Your Church Into Growth events that we have been running, and is intended to round off those events, and share with everyone what is coming next. It really doesn’t matter if you didn’t make the events, we would love to have everyone at the service – it will be lively, positive, inclusive, and enriching. Something for everyone!
The service will be in the school hall of Usk Primary School and you are invited to bring a contribution to the bring and share lunch, and then stay for a shared lunch together. Please please come along. If it’s not your thing, I’m not sure how you know that – we’ve never done this before. Come along – you might be pleasantly surprised and excited by what goes on. (Parking in the school car park is limited so please park elsewhere and leave those spaces for people with restricted mobility if possible.)
And gosh, just like that I can see that the length of this email is quite enough!
I hope I’ll see you at the Big Breakfast in the Memorial Hall in Usk on Saturday – 8am-11am,
and/or the patronal festival and remembrance evensong in Llangybi on Saturday afternoon 5pm.
Both events are a perfect way to spend a cold November Saturday.
With my love,
Sally xxxx
Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.