LiFT 9th January

Good evening, friends,
Happy New Year! I’m never sure at what point that becomes dated and a little strange to say, but given that we still have our Christmas tree up in the vicarage and all the cards are on display, it doesn’t feel too late from where I am sitting!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, however you spent it? We had a house full, and after the church build up I was very glad to have a proper rest. I also spent some time reflecting on the year we have had and the year to come. We achieved such a lot last year, my first year as Ministry Area Leader, and I wonder what this year will look like? I am confident that we have lots to build upon, gently and carefully, and I want to hold on to the important thing in healthy church practice about doing a few things well rather than stretching ourselves too thinly. I imagine you agree?
Just a couple of dates to remind you about, as we settle back into our routines –
The Croeso, Welcome Course begins on Wednesday 15th January at 6.30pm. It will be in St. Mary’s Church Usk, in the back of the church, and everyone is invited to come along and think about how to make sure our churches are as welcoming and encouraging to newcomers as we can possibly make them. Please think about coming, the more the merrier!
Second, we are very pleased that the bishop will be with us on Sunday 2nd February at 3pm in Usk for a confirmation service. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate friends amongst us who are stepping forward in faith. Our prayers over the last year have been that we would increase in numbers and also in the depth of our faith, and this service allows us to be confident that those prayers are being answered. Please consider coming along to offer your support to friends old and new who are taking this next step in their journey with God. Let’s show them how loved they are We have so much to give thanks for.
And now it’s time to stop – is it me or do the weeks in January go more slowly?
You know where I am, and please know that you are in my prayers,
Love Sally xxx
Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.