LiFT 31st October

Good evening my friends,
How has your week been so far? Half term creates a different atmosphere, even if we don’t have children, don’t you find?
I have spent a small part of this week planning for Christmas! I know! But when I look at everything we have to look forward to, it becomes extremely important to get ahead as early as possible. Previous experience is clear – it it’s not all on the spreadsheet and at least planned in draft by Advent then I’m in trouble! The real challenge is how to plan for Christmas whilst in our season of Remembrance, without getting distracted and honouring that season correctly as it unfolds. There’s a sermon in there about being present and in the moment, rather than always looking ahead! I’ll let you write it 🙂 So I feel like I’ve done well this week, to begin the big Christmas plan, but I suspect that it’ll be all that is done for a while now!
In a complete change of subject, or maybe not, let me tell you about something I saw this week – I saw several deer! Different sizes and colours, several with the most beautiful antlers. What surprised me about them was that they weren’t darting across the road startled, or retreating with speed due to fear. They were sat or stood, just behind their fence, watching me as I watched them, and they were stunning! I know they cause all sorts of damage to young trees, and I suspect they do other things that need to be carefully monitored in the countryside, but just at that moment, as they looked at me, and I looked at them, neither of us quite sure what to do next, I had one of those moments where time seemed to simply stop. It was only brief, but it held me for what felt so much longer, as I enjoyed a connection with nature, and with God’s creation, that distracted me form the day’s work and gave me unfettered joy.
I wonder. What brings you joy? When do you have moments of distraction that fill you with delight?
Time to finish I think. But take this verse away with you –
Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
With my love,
Sally xxxx
Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.