LiFT 2nd May

Good evening lovely people,
Wow! What a week! This week has been full on and fantastic! Welcome Will to our team and thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make his licensing such a joyous occasion. The service, the hospitality, the welcome, and the whole atmosphere has been remarked upon by many – a truly joyous start to his ministry. I think it was clear to the bishop that as a ministry area we are really doing well to be a group of churches that support and care for each other, and a mass of congregations who want to work together for God’s purpose. How wonderful!
Will’s email and phone number will now appear on the pew sheet along with the rest of the team, they are and his phone number is 07442 144331
Let me tell you a little bit about our next exciting Ministry Area initiative – Leading Your Church Into Growth. Have you heard about it yet? Please say yes, since I’ve been talking about it for weeks! I studied the last module of my Masters degree this week and in it was an interview with a man who had been praying the prayer for growth with his church for several months. Do you know what he had noticed? People were asking him about church, about God and about faith. Local people were asking questions and taking an interest. I was intrigued by this, since our churches have been praying this prayer for several months now. Is this happening in our communities? I suspect it is. But I wonder – are we noticing? Are we keeping our ears and eyes open for opportunities and signs of hope? I would be really interested to hear any stories you might like to share and I urge you to keep praying the prayer and look at your diary to see if you can join us for the first session on TUESDAY 4th June in the hall at Llanfair Kilgeddin at 7pm. (We chose this space because it is neutral and equally inconvenient to everyone! Please ask if you would like help to get there). As we move into a new season I hope as many of you as possible will be excited and hopeful with me. We are well placed to begin to do something really inspirational, without overstretching ourselves, and I would love every single community and church to benefit. Come along to that session please. Give it a try, and let’s see if we can help each other to make a difference. I believe we can. (If you need another copy of the prayer to be able to pray it every Sunday, please let me know).
Finally, please can I ask for your patience and prayers for the week beginning Monday 13th May. I will be away on retreat – a much needed and longed for week since my last retreat was effectively cancelled because Libby was so seriously ill. I will be away from Monday to Friday, silently reacquainting myself with God and his love for us all. I anticipate that I will hear afresh his plans both for me personally and for us as a community of faith. The rest of the team will be around and you are in good hands. Thank you for understanding the importance of these times for the team. Do you retreat? Would you like to? Perhaps we could have a MA retreat if there were enough people interested? Let me know.
Three diary dates –
A service of Thanksgiving for Nurses – Usk Tuesday 7th May 7pm
Ascension Day services Thursday 9th May –
Llanbadoc – 10am
Goytre – 7pm
Everyone welcome 🙂
With my love and gratitude for God’s calling and your wonderful and energising response,
Sally xxxxx
Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.