LiFT 9th May

Good evening and Happy Ascension Day!
I’m not sure that’s quite what one should say today but it is a special day somehow largely forgotten in modern times. I’m delighted that our churches still honour this day, recognising that it was the end of Christ’s earthly ministry amongst us. In days gone by it would have been a day off school for some, specifically to go to church and recognise the feast! Mind you, that won’t surprise many of you. St. David’s Day used to be a public holiday didn’t it? I can remember that well.
It’s been a funny old week with lots going on and not much seeming to get done! Do you have weeks like that? Bits of the house are still not straight which is frustrating me, not least because the bits that are straight now need cleaning, and I’m thinking “Argh! I can’t clean I’m not straight yet!”. Perhaps this cycle will never end!
The word cycle reminds me that I’m awaiting a very exciting purchase – I took the advice of a wise woman and have bought myself a bike! Just a regular pedal bike to use for shorter, flat, journeys. You won’t see me everywhere, and certainly not on wet or windy days, but look out for me, when I return from retreat!
As I have mentioned, I will be away next week, refreshing myself with God’s love for us all, and so will have an out of office reply on my emails and phone. I won’t be responding to anything at all but the rest of the team are around so please be in touch if you need anything.
Finally, please can I ask for your prayers. We need to pray for all those who carry burdens unseen. There are so many who are unable to share what is causing them anxiety or stress or upset. So a “blind prayer” for all those struggling would be much appreciated. Thank you so much.
No LIFT or JFM next week.
With. my love and gratitude for you all. Love Sally xxxx
Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.