LiFT 28th September

Good evening all,
Have you turned your heating on yet? We have not but this evening it is a little tempting!
The most important thing I need to tell you this week is that I am not around next week. All the clergy from the diocese will be in a retreat centre at a clergy conference. This is designed to refresh and encourage us, and I’m really looking forward to it. I won’t be doing any of the routine administration, but am happy to take messages on my answerphone which I will pick up during the gaps in the day. So if you need something pastoral then please don’t hesitate to be in touch, but all other stuff will be tackled upon my return (maybe the weekend, if I’m not drowning!) This will be the first time I’ve been on one of these, although they used to happen every two years. My ordained time has fallen over a period without a bishop and then Covid, so I’m quite excited. In previous years the venues have included Rome and somewhere in Brittany, but I get to go to sunny Staffordshire. I’m sure it will still be wonderfully beneficial though.
In other news, we are looking forward to the vision day with the archdeacon on Saturday (well it’s a morning really) from 9.30-12.30. Do come along if you are able, and if not then please could you pray? Having spent the last 18 months putting structures in place we really do need to start doing the real work of God in terms of sharing his love and good news, and this Saturday is going to be a good springboard for this. I pray that the conversations will be fruitful and hopeful.
And now I think I might think about some dinner for us. It’s my turn to cook!
You know where I am if you need me, please don’t hesitate to be in touch .
With much love,
Sally xxx
–Please note I will not usually reply to emails received on Fridays as this is my rest day. If you need me urgently please send me a voicemail on my mobile number. Thank you for your understanding.