LiFT 25th April
Good evening my friends,
My goodness these weeks are zooming by and I don’t feel as though I’m getting much done. Oh for a few more hours in the day and a little less chaos in our home! When I’m feeling like this I know that the best thing to do is stop, take a pause, and make some space, so I’m really glad that my retreat is booked and imminent. I will be away from 13th-17th May inclusive. No phone, no email, no diary. It will be the spiritual lift I need – we can all get bogged down in the pressures of life. How do you retreat? How do you make space?
Now then, enough wittering, I have five things to mention to you today –
First – it’s Will’s licensing service on Tuesday 30th at 7pm, in St. Mary’s Usk. You are all welcome to this service led by the bishop, it promises to be encouraging and uplifting and I know there will be rather lovely refreshments afterwards.
Second – another service to alert you to – at the beginning of May there is a day to honour and celebrate nurses and the profession of nursing. We will be marking this with a service in St. Mary’s Usk on Tuesday 7th May at 7pm. We will be particularly thinking about mental wellbeing and health, giving thanks for those who nurse, and seeking God’s comfort and care for our own wellbeing. There will be several nurses at the service and you are all welcome.
Third – my last service alert for you – Thursday 9th May is Ascension Day. There are two services across the Ministry Area to celebrate – St. Peter’s Goytre has traditionally had a well attended and joyful service at 7pm, which we are pleased is happening this year. We have also added a 10am service in Llanbadoc for those who are not free in the evening.
Fourth – Here’s a weird one, but also very interesting – St. Peter’s Goytre have been offered a substantial number of original pieces of art, paintings, all framed. They have been given them with permission to sell and raise funds for the church. However, where does anyone start with such a project?! Do any of you have experience of displaying, advertising, selling art work of any type please? There are people in the church willing to do the work but we just don’t know where to begin and would love to pick the brains of someone who might know what we need to do. Please let me know if you have any experience and are happy to have a brief chat. Thank you so much.
Fifth and finally –
Leading Your Church Into Growth.
I know, I’ve already told you about this, but I want to keep telling you because I’m so excited about it. Posters and invitations are on their way to you over the next week, and I would love it if you could make every effort to invite and include anyone and everyone who is involved in church with you. This isn’t just for newbies or the long term faithful, or the regulars, or the occasionals, it’s for everyone! We all have something to offer and I would like the reach to be as wide as possible.
The content of the sessions will be delivered to you as a whole Ministry Area but the details will be relevant and useful at a local church level. If you come along you will have things you can take back to your local context. This means that ifyou come along, your local church will benefit. If no one comes you won’t know what you missed. Ideally at least a couple of people, hopefully more, will come from each congregation so that each church can get maximum opportunity to use the materials and get excited about growing our churches.
I’m torn between telling you lots and keeping it under wraps, we are investing a lot of time and energy in this series of evenings, and if it goes well the results will be easy, low cost, and exciting for us all. Please think about coming along to find out more. It really is the big picture for the local benefit, and as they say, “you have to be in it to win it.” Or something!!
Is that enough from me?
Please pray for all the above, and keep in touch – you know where I am!
With my love and prayers,
Sally xxx
Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.