LiFT 18th April
Good evening my friends,
What a couple of weeks it has been! I’m glad to be getting back into some sort of routine, well as much as ministry can offer a routine (!), and writing to you is something that is a pleasure and a joy to do today. We are still surrounded by boxes, there are no pictures up yet, and I think the word chaos would be a good one to use. I’ve not found half my clothes and there isn’t enough storage for all my shoes (I know, we could have seen that one coming), but on balance we are very very glad to have moved and are already enjoying being in Usk. Thank you so much to all of you for the cards, the flowers, cake, wine, dinner, so much generosity and warmth from you. Will and I have been really overwhelmed. Thank you thank you thank you xxx
What do I need to share with you this week?
Well the work to replace the roof on Bettws Newydd Church has begun and sadly the initial findings are showing that the work will be a little more involved than was first hoped. In order for this to be as easy and safe as possible we have made the decision that Sunday worship will not happen in the church building in the village for a while and Clare has arranged for services to be at their usual time and the usual dates but in the village hall instead. I’m really glad that it has been possible to continue to worship in the village and although we have planned for this to happen until the end of July, ask for your patience as the team works on the plans and the work progresses for this essential project.
My second thing to share is that plans are progressing for our Leading Your Church Into Growth (LYCIG) project which is due to start at the beginning of June. This will consist of six sessions which are fun and engaging, allowing us to be excited as a whole ministry area whilst also looking at the local and what works for each of our communities too. For this to be successful it would be wonderful, perhaps essential, for all of our churches to be part of the evenings. Please can you begin to chat amongst yourselves about how to help each other to be part of this. It is important to say that this isn’t just for the well-established, long serving church members, but also for those who are new to church and those who attend infrequently. We all have insights, talents, and something to offer and the more who take part then the more exciting this will be. many hands make light work I am told, and I don’t want anyone to stay away because they are worried they will be asked to do something they don’t have time for or don’t feel equipped for. Come along – see what it’s all about, and let’s see where God leads us! The first session is 7pm , Thursday 4th June. Flyers, invitations, and more information to follow over the next week or two. Please invite the world and his wife, or husband – really truly – everyone is invited!
So with all that in mind, my prayer request this week is for our LYCIG project – that it will capture the imagination of many, and be fruitful, encouraging, and above all, positive for our churches. please join me in this prayer.
With my love and thanks for all that you do, and for who you are. How lucky I am to be able to minister in such a wonderful Ministry Area.
Sally xxx
God of Mission
Who alone brings growth to your Church,
Send your Holy Spirit to give
Vision to our planning,
Wisdom to our actions,
Joy to our worship,
And power to our witness.
Help our church to grow in numbers,
In spiritual commitment to you,
And in service to our local community,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.