LiFT 23rd February

Good evening everyone, another week done and this time we have been whisked into Lent! Are you doing anything special for the season? I’m trying a different prayer routine, just to try to bring some freshness to the way I sit with God. I’ll let you know how it goes!
Quite a bit to tell you about so I’ll just get on with it!
Lent brings some extra opportunities and suggestions. You will soon be emailed with a series of weekly reflections and conversation ideas with the suggestion that you invite someone from church or elsewhere, to have a cuppa with you once a week to pray together and go through the reflections and readings. These sorts of conversations can be so fruitful for our faith and it’s also a good way of getting to know someone a little better. Why not give it a try? If you ‘re not sure where to start you should ask someone by saying “Sally has suggested…..” There will be hard copies available in church too.
Archdeacon Ian has produced a set of daily reflections for Lent which are appearing on the Heart of Monmouthshire Facebook page every day. Do look out for them.
Also, THe stations of the Cross will be starting next Friday – 3rd March. We will be alternating between the Catholic Church in Usk and St. Mary’s in Usk, with a variety of leaders, lay and ordained. This is a lovely time to step into something a little different and I am very much looking forward to sharing this eccumenical experience.
Finally, can I ask for your prayers please. Selfishly. I am struggling to manage my diary at the moment and as a result some things feel strained and not to my usual standard. I’ve asked God to help me get a better balance and I have got a little bit of space in the schedule next week, in which I will hopefully catch up. Maybe you are feeling this way too? I would be very pleased to pray for you about this, or anything else. Prayer is the bit I am getting right!
Thank you so much for letting me be honest and for all that you do to support the ministry of our churches.
With love,
Sally xxx