LiFT 21st November

Good evening friends,
Snow! I must confess to being a bit of a child around the fluffy white stuff – it never stays very long but looks so beautiful while we have it. I know it can be inconvenient, but that doesn’t mean it’s not stunning, turning our landscapes into Christmas scenes. Only twice in my 58 years has it snowed on Christmas Day and both are memorable, but I don’t think I ever remember it snowing in November!
This week has been stupidly busy with diary commitments out of my control, so I’m sorry for not popping into places I usually pop to, and for not responding to messages. I’m lurching to get past Sunday which is going to be such a big and lovely day with our Celebration Service in the school at 11am, and then the cathedral evensong. After that I hope to be able to clear the admin backlog and turn my thoughts to Christmas. How is your planning going? The services and events that we do in our churches are so so important as they are often the only time we see some of those community people who aren’t ready for other worship yet. I’m really keen that we celebrate and welcome everyone over the coming season, so that they know the joy we have, as Christians.
My final thing to share with you tonight is a link to Bishop. Cherry’s address from the Diocesan Conference which was last Saturday.
The bishop speaks candidly about her ministry, how she began and what she sees for the future. It was so uplifting to hear her speak honestly, generously, and hopefully. I commend it to you. You may like to print it off to share with those who might be in the churches over the coming weeks.
And with that, I need to stop – I’m weary and looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow, salvaging the mess that the house has become, spending time with Will, and then a good night’s sleep before Saturday and the preparations for Sunday! I am really looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday.
With my love and prayers,
Sally xxxx