LiFT 12th December

Good evening my friends,
I wonder how you all are this week? Are your plans going well? Are you getting where you want to be in your lists?
I must confess I am not, and until this morning this was making me just a little bit grumpy. But I had the great joy of being part of the Carol Service for Monmouthshire County Council, as the chaplain to the Chair of the Council today. There was something about that short service that lifted my spirits and reminded me that if we don’t approach Christmas with a degree of joy and positive anticipation then we are getting it wrong. It’s too easy to get caught up in doing stuff and the lists, and forget about the awe and wonder that we are approaching. So I’ve given myself a little talking to this afternoon, and I’m not suggesting that you need one, you’re probably far better than me at managing expectations and workload, but just in case you need to hear it –
Christmas will happen, whether we are ready or not, and as Christians we are celebrating the birth of a baby so special that we should never stop being in awe of the opportunity to remember and wonder. How wonderful and life giving our faith is, and for that I give thanks.
Now, is there anything I need to share with you this evening? Just one thing I think – I’ve received a very generous offer of meat and vegetables to create Christmas dinners for people and families who are struggling to make ends meet this year. The food will need to be cooked, and I’m not sure how large this generosity is. BUT, if you are in financial hardship or know someone else who is, then please message me in complete confidence and I’ll see what I can do. What a wonderful example this is of Christmas spirit in our communities.
And with that, I’ll bid you good night. We are putting up the tree and decorations this evening – I’m slightly anxious about that given that we have a kitten in the house! Wish me good luck!
With love,
Sally xxxx
Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.