LiFT 26th September

Good evening friends,

How are you this evening?

The first thing I must write, without any hesitation, is a huge and sincere thank you to all those involved in the bishop’s visit to the ministry area this week. She got a wonderful flavour of the diversity of our communities and was very pleased to spend meaningful time with some of you. There was a good balance of busy and reflective time in the day, and we closed the day with a wonderful celebration in St. Cybi’s Church. Those of you who came will know about the fantastic choir, and that we were lucky enough to witness the licensing of Rev’d Helen Rees as a priest to our area. Helen will be working voluntarily, and part time, and is going to be a wonderful addition to our team and work.

My thanks extend to those who worked behind the scenes, heavy lifting (sometimes literally), preparing, making changes to their personal plans, and doing all sorts of unseen, important, detailed tasks. I was a church warden for a number of years and find it hard to put down those duties sometimes, but it does mean I am fairly aware of all that you might be doing, quietly, efficiently, and often with little thanks. This is true not just yesterday but every day. So thank you. We are all essential in this plan!

When I was letting the bishop know of the plan for the day, I shared the following passage with her, and I think it might be helpful for us all to remember sometimes – 

‘Amidst the vast scene of the world’s problems and tragedies you may feel that your own ministry seems so small, so insignificant, so concerned with the trivial. What a tiny difference it can make to the world that you should run a youth club, or preach to a few people in a church, or visit families with seemingly small result. But consider: the glory of Christianity is its claim that small things really matter and that the small company, the very few, the one man, the one woman, the one child are of infinite worth to God. Consider our Lord himself. Amidst a vast world with its vast empires and vast events and tragedies, our Lord devoted himself to individual men and women, often giving hours and time to the very few or to the one man or woman.’ 

[Archbishop Michael Ramsay] 

A few dates and reminders for you – 

Saturday we have a Ministry Area walk at Cefn Ila, beginning at 10.30. Poster attached, and all welcome.

Sunday we are in Glascoed Church at 11am, with Delyth from EcoChurch coming to speak to us. We will have a picnic afterwards, so bring food and something to sit on.

I’m really worried now that I’ve forgotten something that I’m supposed to be including. If that is true, please can you let me know and I’ll send out a separate email early next week.

Finally, please can I ask you to keep in your prayers all those who are struggling with change. There’s a lot of it about and it can be stressful and include a sense of loss or bereavement. Please know that if this is true for you, you are in my prayers.

With my love,

Sally xx

Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.
