LiFT 3rd October

Good evening lovely folk,

How are you all this week? It’s been another busy one, both professionally and personally. I’m delighted to welcome Will home – I don’t mind telling you I have missed him terribly. Professionally, we ran the final Leading Your Church Into Growth evening, and there has been the usual run of pastoral visits, school activity, meetings, and emails (Yay!)

Our harvest celebrations are midflow at the moment, and it is a delight to see our churches so beautifully decorated and welcoming. Next we pause briefly before Remembrance and then Advent and Christmas. Hot off the press I can tell you that Rev’d Sue is leading the organisation of an Advent course called O Come All Ye Faithful. It is designed by the Church in Wales and we hope to run it in several venues on different days and at different times. So keep your eyes peeled and be ready to sign up – it’s always good news when we can grow our faith and be part of something that is positive and fun, with others.

One of the things I have been wondering over this week, is how best we can use prayer to support our activities, our mission, and our pastoral needs. I get many requests week by week, asking for prayer for specific needs, and I pray faithfully. However, I rarely hear how things are progressing, and I’m not sure we are praying in a way that is making the best of our faithful people and our obvious connections. Now, it’s important to note, I don’t think this is a problem for God – he will work with everything we give him, but is there a way we can do things differently or better, that would make our prayer life an easier and a more intuitive part of our faith life? I would be interested to know if you have any sensible or not so sensible suggestions!

And may be that’s enough for this week?

Time to disconnect, so that I can eat with the family and unwind, ready for a quiet day in my pjs, knitting and trying to restore order to the practical chaos of our home!

Please be in touch if you need or would like.

With my love and prayers,

Sally xx

Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.
