LiFT 13th June

Good evening friends,

Well Thursdays come round quickly don’t they? How are you?

You will have read by now my email about changes to service times for the summer. Please look out for the rotas which will be sent in the next few days. Thank you for the kind words about being willing to consider this change and give it a try. No system is ever perfect, but I do want us to use our clergy on Sundays in an effective way, and I want you all to have services that fit your community and are of the best quality we can offer. 

Other news? I am sure you have all heard about the death of Rev’d Sheila Toms. A much loved priest in this area and so much wider. I can confirm that her funeral is to be in St. Cadoc’s Church Raglan, on Thursday 11th July, 4pm. This service will take the form of a requiem mass. There will be a cremation the following day, Friday at 10am, Langstone Vale Crematorium. 

Next Tuesday sees the second of our six sessions looking at the Leading Your Church into Growth material. Feedback has been very positive and if you didn’t manage to come to the first session, don’t worry you will soon catch up. We will be meeting in Llanfair Kilgeddin Hall at 7pm, on 18th June and hope to see you there. If you attended the first session, and are able to come to this next one, why not bring a friend or two to help the conversation along? The more the merrier!

Finally can I just let you know that there will be no LIFT next week – I have a couple of days owing that I am using to go to Oslo with Will. We will be away from Wednesday to Friday. We had planned to go in the middle of winter to experience the short days, night sky, and snow, but instead will find out what a long day and sunshine is like, I hope!

Please will you keep the LYCIG events in your prayers, so that we can continue to grow a positive culture around the future of our churches. Also, your prayers for all those bereaved would be hugely valued. We seem to have a lot of loss amongst us at the moment.

With my love and payers for you all, Sally xxx

Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.
