LiFT 8th August

Good evening all,

I hope you are all well and have had a good week? I’ve been completely sucked into the Olympics – there isn’t a sport I’m not an armchair expert in now! I am in awe of so much energy, determination, and the sheer brilliance of all those competing. There is such diversity and such an obvious air of care and camaraderie amongst the nations – it’s truly hopeful to see, in light of the other news that has been with us over recent days. We can learn some useful lessons about community from sport, don’t you think?

It’s been on my mind to give you due notice of my summer holiday. I’m going out to America/Puerto Rico, to see Will on 19th August and will be back at my desk on Tuesday 3rd September. Please bear with me if I am slow to get back to you after my return, and I’ll leave contact details for my colleagues on my email and answerphone. I’m telling you now, so that you’ve got a week to be n touch before I go, if there was anything you had on your mind and that can’t wait until September.  

You might be interested to know that Will is really making the most of his time away – his book is written and there is a plan for a book launch when he returns. He is now spending time in quiet and devoted prayer. If there is anything you would like him to pray for please let me know and I will pass it on to him. Knowing that he is praying for us every single day is rather reassuring.

Prayer really is the bedrock of all that we do isn’t it? I know that when I least want to make the time is when I will get most benefit, and I am absolutely sure that my attitude and willingness to forget my self interest and concentrate on God’s desires, are best achieved when I make enough time for prayer. Quiet time in the morning with a cuppa, looking out on the garden has become a real joy this summer. How and when do you pray?

Well perhaps that’s it for today. Time to tidy my desk, pour myself a glass of something cold and refreshing, and see what happened in the cycling. What is the omnium? It is completely unfathomable!

You know how to reach me if you need me, and please be assured of my prayers,

Love Sally xxx

Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.
