LiFT 5th September

Good evening Friends,

It’s a late one today – it’s been a long and busy day! I hit the ground after my holiday on Tuesday and haven’t stopped. Ministry is wonderful and I am glad to be back, although it was hard to leave Will. He will be back with us on 1st October and sends you his love.

My holiday was wonderful  – with a pattern of eating, walking, resting, swimming, and sleeping. What more could I ask for? Perhaps a little glass of something? There was that too!

I’ve come home and realise that life goes on and I’m watching and praying for many of you who are in challenging times. Because of this, I ask that you hold each other in your prayers over the coming weeks – there are people carrying private burdens, for which prayer would be a comfort and offer strength. 

I had a lovely conversation with someone just today about how we all like to give and offer help but how poor we can be at accepting and receiving it when we need it ourselves. Please bear that in mind – when we receive kindness from others, we give them the opportunity to be thankful givers, so our graciousness in receipt makes us givers too. We all take turns in giving and receiving, how amazing is the human race that we can be both? So thank you to those of us who are supporting and giving, and well done to those of us who are gracious receivers. We are both!

I think there are quite a few things I should be sharing, but I’ll restrict it to just one this evening, and I’ll email you separately next week about other news and events.

Please can I flag up to you the most extraordinary art installations that are appearing in some of our local churches. It is called “Vessel” and you can find out more about it here – 

Vessel: a breath-taking art trail via ancient Welsh churches – Friends of Friendless Churches
Art + Christianity, in collaboration with Friends of Friendless Churches, are hosting ‘Vessel’, a ground-breaking exhibition from 8 August to 31 October

You’ll see that many of the local Friends of Friendless churches are being used and I highly commend this opportunity to visit. It can feel like a sort of pilgrimage. Why not give it a go and tell me what you think?

A few more emails to write tonight and then bed – jet lag is real! 

With my love and prayers, you know how to reach me if you need to.

With love,

Sally xxxx

Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.
