LiFT 30th May

Good evening my friends,

How are you this week? And what’s on your mind and in your prayers? It’s been a week full of meetings and planning for me, all good things because the meetings have for the most part been about people and hopeful things. The planning stuff has been good too, LYCiG has been part of that, along with some things for the summer. The Leading Your Church into Growth sessions will start on Tuesday (4th), 7pm and I know it’s going to be a hopeful and encouraging evening so please come along. If you aren’t sure, then might I suggest that you invite someone to come with you? Then you can both be a little uneasy together – that feeling will only last a moment, as we will greet you with refreshments and you will soon be in conversation with all sorts of people. Come along and be part of the change, part of the future, part of our hope. 

When I was thinking about what to tell you this week, I really wasn’t sure there was much to say. Some weeks are like that. Lots of people are asking if we have settled in to the new vicarage and I have to confess that there are still a few boxes and rather a lot of pictures that need sorting out! The problem is that I’ve got used to just working around those items, they may never get sorted hahaha!

There’s no point in chattering on when there’s nothing to tell you of any importance, so I’ll finish there for now. I’m off to Windsor for the day tomorrow to meet up with an old (not royal) friend. I hope you’ve got something good planned for the weekend.

Please do pray for our Growth sessions, and let me know if I can pray for you.

With my love,

Sally xx

Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.
