LiFT 28th March

Good evening all,
Well it has begun – we have entered the Triduum – a wonderful word for the three days that make up Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day. I was explaining to some folk earlier today how we risk viewing this as three separate days, and several separate services, but that doesn’t do it full justice – the Maundy Thursday service is the beginning of one long liturgy that stretches through until Easter Morning, with its ups and downs, its hard and its marvellous moments. We haven’t got one this year, but this time also might include an Easter vigil that is traditionally on Saturday evening. There is one in the cathedral if you are interested (8pm) which is a beautiful service, I recommend it.
We have our Easter sunrise service at sunrise on Sunday (6.15 start) I believe there is a little confusion about the start time but it doesn’t seem to matter how clear I am, other messages leak out! I’m not complaining, I’m laughing – all will be well. The only thing that could go disastrously wrong is if you were thinking of coming and you don’t alter your clocks – they go forward one hour on Saturday night! so please don’t forget otherwise you will arrive just in time for a cup of coffee before the drive back home! This sunrise service is very special and I hope to see as many of you there as possible. If you’ve never tried it, then come along – we meet in the carpark at the top of the Blorenge.
I must confess the next couple of weeks are feeling like a mixed blessing – clergy are traditionally instructed by the bishop to take six days off after Easter – doing no work until the following Sunday, which is great, except that we are moving house. Suddenly that week is going to be extremely busy! The movers arrive on Monday 8th April and we will be in the new vicarage on Thursday 11th. I will endeavour to get my study sorted as a matter of priority but please bear with me if I’m a little bit chaotic for a couple of weeks. Normal service will be resumed as soon as I can find it in one of the zillion boxes I anticipate unpacking!
Lastly can I let you know that today the local wardens of all the churches received a large and I hope comprehensive survey about the communications that happen in each and every one of our churches. I am hoping to capture the detail as well as the big picture, because I suspect there is a lot happening that I don’t know about, and there are things that we could help with and make easier across the Ministry Area. I worry that sometimes things slip through the net and I really do want all our churches and communities to thrive – one of the essential ways to make this happen is if everyone knows what is going on! It is not the warden’s task to fill the questionnaire alone, I would like as many people as possible to have sight of it, so that we get the most comprehensive picture. If you have anything you would like to say or any other kind of contribution to make, please ask your local warden for sight of the document and feel free to add your bit. There are no right or wrong answers and I certainly don’t want anything missed out or censored 🙂
oo, not lastly, because this is lastly – there will be no Just Five Minutes and no LIFT until the week beginning 15th April. I will keep an eye on urgent matters during the week of the move so please don’t hesitate to be in touch if there are urgent pastoral needs. Emails that are about other stuff may take a little while to get back to, let me know if something becomes urgent and I seem to have missed it.
It’s a little premature, but if I don’t see you on Sunday, may I wish you a blessed and bountiful Easter, my prayers are with you, and I look forward to what is coming next in our church lives (Leading your Church Into Growth, for those of you who don’t mind a spoiler! Google it, and get excited!)
With my love, Sally xxx
Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.