LiFT 23rd January

Good evening all,

It’s been another busy week with a MAC meeting, lots of school stuff and training (both delivering and receiving). I could stand to have a couple of clear days to take a good run at getting some of the big pieces of work done, and clearing some of the admin, but those things always seem to just get squeezed in. 

I must confess I’m typing this whilst listening to Will teach a lovely bunch of people all about how to pray using beads. There will be wine shortly so I’m on a bit of a time frame since I’m doing the pouring. We have spent the day in clergy training listening to lots of good stuff about welcoming people, offering invitation to church, and how we might be encouraged to open our doors a little wider. It tied in very well with our Welcome Course which we are half way through. Much to reflect upon – we do lots right and also have much to learn 🙂

There’s not much to tell you this week I don’t think. We are settling back into our usual routines and patterns, and I’m doing my best not to forget too many things and to be out and about as much as possible.

Please can I ask for your prayers? As we prepare for Sue to leave, and get used to Sarah having moved on, we all know change is difficult and can leave us anxious and worried for the future. This season is no different – I am already aware that some are wondering what the future will look like, and what might happen next. There is also a natural season of change in the way that the MAC is working, and the combination of the two means quite a lot of additional admin for me, as well as the sharing out of duties, ministry responsibilities, and leadership activities. Change change change!

I firmly believe that God will lead us in a good direction and your prayers to help us think this through and look after each other well would be much appreciated. Thank you very very much. I am hugely comforted knowing that you all pray so well.

And with that I will finish. I shall pour the wine, clear up afterwards, and then tomorrow we are off to Bristol for Harry’s graduation. Celebration is such an important part of life.

With lots of love to you,

Sally xxxx

Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.