LiFT 17th October

Good evening all,

So today is Eli’s birthday. He is the youngest of our six children and he turned 18 today – we no longer have any minors in the family. I feel very old all of a sudden – if they are all grown up then perhaps I am too? Sometimes I feel very creaky and old, and other times I feel 25 inside and wonder why I don’t look it! I’m sure you have those moments too?

Today Rev’d Sue has finalised the plans for our Advent course which we are offering in three locations, times and days. Please have a look at the attached poster and consider coming along. It promises to be enriching and encouraging. I know it seems a long way off but if you put the dates in your diary now, then you will stand a better chance of making the time, and it is a wonderful way to prepare for Christmas, alongside the other busy things that we all do.

What else can I share with you? Um. Busy as the week has been I don’t think there is anything else new so I won’t take any more of your time.

Don’t forget, my first and most important thing to do is to pray faithfully, and I am always willing to pray for specific things that you might ask. Let me know how I can pray for you this week?

With my love,

Sally xxx

Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.
