LiFT 13th March

Good evening friends, 

How are you all this week? It’s been quite a busy week in all the right ways, for which I am very glad. I’ve nearly finalised the rota for April including a very busy and rich Holy Week. How is your Lent going? Are you managing to be joyful about the discipline you have chosen? 🙂

It’s been good to see the Lent groups start and be well attended, there is no problem in joining in late if that works for you. There are also some activities about trying to reduce our carbon footprint which we are publicising on social media, weekly. Let me know if you would like to receive these via email. The Lent lunches in Raglan have begun and there is also a Sunday Lent lunch in Usk on Sunday 23rd March. Please ask for details. I am constantly amazed and delighted with just how active and busy we are. Thank you so much and well done!

Last Saturday some of us were part of a diocesan day looking at our vision and culture, and how well we are working. It was a day of positivity as well as learning, and I and many others came away hopeful for the time ahead. I was chatting to someone today about the need for making space to look back and see how far we have come, and to reflect and give thanks to God for what is going well. It’s too easy to just look forward and worry about what needs doing! Are you good at measuring progress? Or are you more like me and just want to keep pushing on? 

Here is a link to the weekly diocesan letter which will tell you more about the conference day I have just mentioned. If you are not a regular receiver of this letter, then you can sign up for it at the bottom. It’s well worth it 🙂

Finally can I ask for your prayerful help please – we have Isaac’s funeral next Wednesday and although Will and I don’t intend taking a defined chunk of time off work, we will be having a very light diary week, and may not respond to emails and phone calls in as timely fashion as you might hope. Please will you pray for us, and for all our children and the wider family. It really is an impossible time for everyone. In addition, if you think I’ve dropped a ball or you are worried that something important hasn’t happened or isn’t being done, please can you let me know? I really won’t mind,. I am so grateful to the rest of the team, ordained and lay people, who are picking up extra stuff at the moment. You are a wonderful wonderful lot! 

With my love, and gratitude, please be in touch if you need anything, really, I mean it,

Sally xxxx

Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.