Good evening all,
Lent is upon us! Are you marking the season in any way? I must confess that I had a few good intentions and here we are one day in and I’ve already not sustained my efforts! I read somewhere that it is about progress not perfection so perhaps I will try again tomorrow and see if I can do a little better. The important thing is to try and understand why we do the things we do, rather than measure the success – easy to say, not so easy if you are as competitive as I am!!
What news do I have for you this week? Well, perhaps I should alert you to the fifth Sunday service that is happening this month, which happens to fall on Mothering Sunday I really am very pleased indeed that Bishop Cherry is with us that day and we will be holding the service in St. Matthew’s Church, Monkswood. She hasn’t been to this pretty little church and it is a wonderful opportunity for us to gather and worship together, led by our bishop. Parking at the church is extremely restricted but I know you are a resourceful lot. Please can you try to car share as much as possible. There is parking in the closed down pub about 100yds along the road, and a little bit of parking in the residential side street that is along the road too. If you have a problems with transport please let me know. I will probably cycle there, but I know that’s not an option for everyone ๐
If you are at a loose end on Saturday may I suggest that a trip to St. Mary’s Church in Usk might be worthwhile? They are having a day exploring the history of the church which is interactive and suitable for all ages. There are costumes, refreshments (medieval style!) guides, and lots of activities and artefacts. I even believe that a piece of treasure was found in the safe that is on display after many many years. Pop along, if you have time, you won’t be disappointed.
Lastly, please accept our continued thanks for the love and prayers you are surrounding us with. We are praying for all of you too, so please don’t hesitate to ask for specific prayers – keep in touch , as clergy we pray well and want to support, even as we are being supported.
And now, time to close. Not quite a day off tomorrow as there are Lenten Stations of the Cross in St. Mary’s Usk (3pm). Come along if you fancy it!
With love as always,
Sally xxxx
Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.