LiFT 19th September

Good evening my friends,

It’s been a week of all seasons – short sleeves, vests, open windows, and heating on! Quite a rollercoaster, don’t you think?

My week has been good and there is lots going on, which is wonderful to share.

On Monday evening the church in Usk hosted the Archdeacon’s visitation for the whole archdeaconry (five ministry areas). It was an opportunity for Archdeacon Ian to formally swear in our Ministry Area wardens, Jan Millett and Neville Crump, and for him to thank everyone who works so hard to make our churches as successful and as welcoming as they are. It was an uplifting service and the sermon was especially good, so I’ve attached it to this letter for you to read at your leisure if you were not able to attend.

Next Wednesday (25th Sept)  is another interesting and joyful day for us, as Bishop Cherry spends time in the Ministry Area. At the end of the day she will celebrate Holy Communion in St. Cybi’s Church, Llangybi. The time for that service is 7pm. As well as it ending the bishop’s day with us, it will also be the formal start of Rev’d Helen Rees’ ministry amongst us. Helen has been helping on the Sunday rota for a while now, but will be formally licensed as an associate priest, to our Ministry Area. This is wonderful news and will enable us to make the best use of Helen’s gifts and skills, whilst allowing her to reestablish a community ministry after a time in academia. Time for us to celebrate! Please come along.

Finally, can I remind you of the special ministry area service we are having on the fifth Sunday of September – we will be in St Michael’s Glascoed, as the only service in the area that day – bring a picnic, as we will be having lunch together afterwards, and let’s hope the sun shines so that we can enjoy the outside as well as the inside. The speaker at that service is Delyth Higgins, who will be talking about Ecochurch. Please put the date in your diaries (29th Sept. 11am).

And that I think is that! I hope to see some of you in the cathedral on Sunday, 4pm when I will be able to show off my new red buttons. If you need me or have something to share, you know where I am, likewise, if there is anything specific I can pray about for you, please let me know.

With my love,

Sally xxx

Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.
