LiFT 12th September

Good evening friends,

How is your week progressing? I really am struggling to get through my emails – I’m really sorry if you have been patiently waiting for a reply. Be patient no longer and send me a little nag, if you are waiting for something that is time critical! 

This weekend is a big one locally with the Usk Show taking place on Saturday. It is a wonderful gathering of all that is to be celebrated across about rural Monmouthshire, from livestock, to traditional crafts, food, and entertainment. You can buy a ticket on the day if you are not sure, and there is plenty of parking plus a really efficient park and ride service from local areas. Come along! Near the show ring you will find the chaplaincy tent, although I must confess to preferring to wander the whole showground bumping into old friends and new ones. So many wonderful conversations to be had, and so much to enjoy. Perhaps I’ll see you there?

In just over two weeks’ time our Sunday service will be a Ministry Area service, and there will be only one service across all our churches. We have chosen to have this service in St. Micahel’s Church in Glascoed as that weekend (29th September) is the feast of St, Michael and All Angels. Our theme will be Ecochurch, and again the location is an excellent one as this church has some very rare orchids in its churchyard which has led to some very careful management during the flowering season. We will be having a guest speaker at this service, Delyth Higgins, who lead the Rocha Ecochruch scheme. All our churches now have at least one award so I invite you to come and celebrate all that we are doing as stewards of God’s planet, whilst learning about new things we might consider. 

After the service you are invited to stay for a picnic, so do bring along your munch and something to sit on. 

Sunday 29th Sept. 11am!

Finally, please can I ask for your prayers for our Ministry Area Council? Will be meeting on Tuesday 17th Sept. In the afternoon and the responsibility of being a trustee is not to be taken lightly. At our last meeting we took the decision that all the minutes should be in the public domain so look out for them ,in about a fortnight. The MAC is the body with legal oversight for all that we do. Let us pray for generous decisions and good stewardship of all that we have.

Thank you for all your kindnesses and how generously you work within our churches, this really is a team effort and I’m very grateful for every one of you. You know where I am if you need me.

With much love,

Sally xxx

Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.
