LiFT 9th March
Living In Faith Together
Good afternoon and hello,
How is your week unfolding? I must say that I have had a much better grip of my diary and work life balance this week and am feeling all the better for it! Thank you to those who have been patient or encouraging, or have wagged their finger at me 🙂
How is your Lent progressing? As I was writing this week’s sermon I realised that I’m not doing brilliantly at my discipline this season, but putting myself under pressure really doesn’t help. I got sidetracked in my sermon preparation reading the story of a seventeen year old girl who was an accomplished cheerleader but who fell when messing about with friends, and suffered a catastrophic spinal cord injury. She is now unable to use her legs and has reduced arm function. She caught my attention because she was wearing a sweatshirt with bold words across the chest. – “God Isn’t Done With Me Yet”
Now, I couldn’t possibly compare my chaotic Lenten efforts with the life change that this girl is facing, but I do like that phrase – even though I’m not accomplishing absolutely everything I want to, God hasn’t finished with me yet, and all I have to do is keep trying, do my best, and keep my eyes fixed on him.
I wonder whether this little phrase is useful to any of you? Whether it is that you are too tired or feeling weighed down, whether your diary is too busy, perhaps you are unwell, or struggling, perhaps you are thinking of a change in your life. Wherever you are I am absolutely certain that God hasn’t finished with you, and whilst it may not always be clear what his next plan for us is, we can be confident and reassured that there is one! keep going!!
Let me know if this chimes with you at all, I’d love to know!
And perhaps that is enough for this week? You didn’t come here for a sermon after all 🙂 I hope to see some of you at the Stations of the Cross in St. Mary’s Usk on Friday at 3pm, otherwise, I’m sure I shall see you soon, You know where I am if you need anything.
With love as always,
Sally xxx
–Please note I will not usually reply to emails received on Fridays as this is my rest day. If you need me urgently please send me a voicemail on my mobile number. Thank you for your understanding.