LiFT 25th January

Good evening all,
Happy St. Dwynwen’s Day (she is the Welsh saint for lovers!). Today is also the day that we mark the conversion of Paul – his road to Damascus experience. Quite a day!
How are you? it’s been a weird week with terrible storms interspersed with beautiful sunshine, and work wise I have almost drowned in emails and also had some wonderful and extraordinary conversations with people. Ministry and the weather share a common theme of being variable and unpredictable 🙂
What do I need to share with you this week?
Well, there is a small and positive change to the Sunday rota that you may not know about – the usual evening prayer service in Llanover at 4pm this Sunday is actually going to be a celebration of Candlemas, which promises to be a lovely service. If you aren’t sure what to expect come along, I am really looking forward to sitting in the pews and worshipping alongside you.
The other thing to mention is that the advert for our new team vicar has gone live and we will be interviewing for the position in a few weeks’ time. Please will you pray for all those who are considering applying for the role, and for those who will be conducting the interviews. We need to make the right appointment and need to listen carefully to God as we discern the best person to join us. Thank you.
Oo and don’t forget the Big Breakfast, on Saturday in the Memorial Hall – 8am-11am.
In other news Rev’d Sue and a team of keen others have begun to put together a super selection of activities and resources for Lent. They are all bespoke for our ministry area and I’m really excited by the variety and quality of everything. There is a theme through them, linked to the environment, and we will look forward to sharing details with you very soon. Watch this space!
Finally, can I apologise if you have written an email and I haven’t got back to you. As I stated at the beginning, I’m drowning to put it bluntly, not in terms of the volume of work overall, but just in terms of the sheer number of emails that come in every day. It’s not your fault – it’s life. If you think I’ve missed something or you are waiting for a reply, please don’t hesitate to nudge me, gently, and I will do my best! I won’t knowingly or intentionally ever ignore something; I might just not spot it in the midst of all the other stuff. Thank you for being so patient.
I really am very glad to be a small part of your lives and communities – this has been the bible verse that has roamed around my mind all week – I really do think it’s true about you all –
Matthew 6:21
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.Matthew 6:21
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
With my love, Sally xxx (who will be spending her rest day trying to salvage the kitchen whilst eating chocolate and drinking good coffee!)
Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.