LiFT 1st February

Living In Faith Together
Good evening all,
It’s that time of the week again – my final task before I close the computer and look forward to a day of rest (well, doing something that’s not about the Ministry Area, anyway!) How is your week going?
So this week I have visited, worshipped, attended governor meetings in school, planned training, and made a feeble attempt to reduce my admin pile. I hope I’m getting my priorities right! I think I’m beginning to understand the enormity of my new role and it excites me – there is so much to be hopeful about if we keep our eyes fixed on God’s plan for us all. For example, I’ve been astounded by the interest and subsequent offers of help for my Big Lent Walk. Thank you so much. Please do join me along the way and spread the word. I have this picture of the circular route being a way of catching together all the communities and incorporating them into a single prayer of love and hope for us all. I don’t mean that to sound cheesy, I just believe it is our way of beating the bounds for our wonderful communities, as one big group working together for God’s kingdom.
What else do I need to tell you about? Well, the bishop has asked me to check that everyone who wants to is receiving the Midweek Mailing. This is a weekly email that comes from the diocese to share forthcoming events, to share news, and to celebrate good things. If you are not aware of this email you can find it here –
If you would like to receive it regularly you can subscribe here –
As we gently move towards Lent can I suggest that you keep your eyes peeled for an amazing set of resources put together by Rev’d Sue and a team of others. There really is something for everyone and if you haven’t seen any publicity, then hopefully it will be given in church on Sunday. If you prefer, please contact Rev’d Sue directly on to find out more. I have attached the prayer diary for you.
Finally, a prayer request – please will you pray for all those who work so hard to make a difference in our churches, but sometimes go unseen. Rev’d Sue and I were talking this week about how we must ensure that we pray for our musicians, flower people, cleaners, pastoral visitors, lay worship leaders, Ministry Area Council, key holders, churchyard and building teams, vergers, servers, choirs, those who pray, read, welcome, and offer hospitality, for those who quietly and faithfully go about God’s work, and those who we cannot be without. That’s you probably, every one of you is an essential part of our church community, thank you, and be assured of my heartfelt and concentrated prayers for you all.
Oh and I’ve said finally, so now I can’t mention St. Brigid, whose day it is today – my all time favourite saint! Please go and look her up – she’s amazing!
TIme to switch off and find a treat to eat!
With love,
Sally xxx
Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.
Any views or opinions presented within this e-mail are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Church in Wales unless otherwise specifically stated.
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