LiFT 14th March

Good evening my friends,
How is your Lent progressing? Walking my way through it, as I am, is proving to be a wonderful activity. I don’t mind the rain or the uphill bits, and I’m loving the company, the everchanging views, and the opportunity to understand our Ministry Area from a different perspective. I read a book recently called The Three Mile an Hour God, which was all about how Jesus did all his work at a walking pace. He walked between towns and villages, he travelled light, and lived simply. Travelling the length and breadth of our beautiful area at three miles an hour is changing my perspective on lots of things, and I must confess that I did not expect the experience to be so emotionally and spiritually profound. I have three walks left to do, suddenly three miles an hour seems to have been very fast!
I am delighted to let you know that Rev’d Sue is back at work. We’ve missed her! There are still challenges to our Sunday rota, and I thank you for your patience and generous approach to the temporary changes that have been necessary as a result of multiple clergy unavailability.
Before I close this letter to begin my rest day, please can I ask for your prayers? I am increasingly aware that many in our churches and wider communities are carrying burdens that are quietly unspoken but tough. Sometimes when we carry things alone they become heavier, and also harder to share. Let us pray for all those who are privately coping with things that are not of their choosing and which feel tough. With that in mind, if you’re feeling heavy laden, then please don’t feel you have to continue on your own with it, as a clergy team we are always willing to listen and we have a strong team of pastoral visitors if that suits you better.
Matthew 11 – 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Heavenly Father,
Draw close to you those for whom today is hard.
Bring them comfort, Show them your love,
Help them to rest in you.
We ask for your blessing on all those we know,
And we thank you for your unwavering
desire for us to know you and love you.
In the name of your Son Jesus Christ,
You know where I am if you need me!
Love Sally xxxx
Please note that Friday is usually my rest day. Emails received on Friday may not be responded to until after the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.