gift direct

Questions about Gift Direct Answered

Do I have to pay tax in order to use the scheme?

No you don’t have to pay tax, you can just choose to make your donations via Direct Debit and instruct us not to reclaim tax. You should clearly mark your form if this is the case.

Do I Need to instruct my bank?

You will only need to contact your bank if you have been making donations via Standing Order. (You will need to cancel the Standing Order otherwise you will have two amounts being taken from your account). The Provincial Office should be notified of any changes once you have completed the Direct Debit forms.

Can I still make donations directly to my church?

You can if you wish to make donations to your church by Standing Order, weekly envelop or cheque. if these Gifts are to be tax effective you will need to have a Gift Aid Declaration in favour of your Church. You should speak to your Gift Aid Secretary about this.

How will my Gift Aid Secretary know that I am make donations to the church?

The Provincial Office informs Gift Aid Secretaries on a monthly basis of donations and tax refunds being paid into the church account, and who has made those donations.

Can both a husband and wife use the scheme?

Yes if both a husband and wife pay tax they can use the scheme. However, they will be required to have separate Gift Direct commitments even if the donations are collected from the same joint bank account. The Church in Wales cannot accept a Gift Direct commitment in joint names.

How can I increase or decrease my donation?

You simply need to instruct the Provincial Office in writing quoting your Gift Direct reference number. This is your donation to amend as you wish; you stay in control at all times.

What if I change church?

If you change church and wish to redirect your giving you simply in form the Provincial Office of your wishes in writing quoting your Gift Direct reference number.

What do I do if I stop paying tax?

You will need to instruct the Provincial Office in writing as soon as possible. It is up to you to decide if you want to cancel the Direct Debit or simply instruct the Provincial Office not to reclaim tax.

How do I amend my monthly donations?

You simply need to instruct the Provincial Office of the new amount you wish to donate. There is an option to increase your donation annually in line with the Retail Price Index. If you chose this option we will still contact you in writing prior to the new increased amount being implemented. You stay in control of your donations at all times.

Can I make my Gift Direct donation by Standing Order?

No. The Gift Direct system is a Direct Debit system and so unfortunately is not able to receive donations by Standing Order.


  1. Everything you need is in the Gift Direct Leaflet
  2. Fill out the Gift Direct commitment form on page 7 and the Direct Debit on page 8
  3. Pull out the envelope section of the book. Moisten the glue area on page 6 and seal (you may want to add some tape at the sides). There is no need for a stamp, the postage is free.



Please contact you Parish  wardens or treasurer and if you have any questions in relation to the Gift Direct scheme, please contact the Church in Wales scheme administrator Glenda Edwards:

Telephone: 02920 348216


Or Write to: The Church in Wales, 39 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9XF

Gift Direct is administered by the Representative Body of the Church in Wales, which is a registered charity. Registered Charity Number 1142813